Picnic concert “Genius Loci”

Genius_loci Raja Schwahn-Reichmann

Sun August 11, 2024

  • from 14:00 Picnic
  • 15:00 Guided culinary walk through the herbal and plant worlds of the castle park with Franziska Stangl and Barbara Putz-Plecko
  • Die Tanzgeiger will accompany the afternoon
  • Installations by Raja Schwahn-Reichmann

Admission 25 €, reservation: m-o-r@damtschach.at

Damtschacherstrasse 18
9241 Wernberg

February 14, 2024 DIONYSUS FEAST

DIONYSUS, the old, young god, is just around the corner like early spring. I’ll let him in on his usual date, February 14th, this time with South Tyrolean faunas in their student’s apartment. Full equipment guaranteed! Rating: magnificent! Appropriate, cheerful appearance in red, gold, wreathed with ivy is desired!

Wednesday February 14, 2024, from 7:00 p.m
South Tyrolean Students’ Union, Schwarzspanierstrasse 15/1/6, 1090 Vienna
Admission: Donations for food and drink.

Picnic concert “Genius Loci”

Genius_loci Raja Schwahn-Reichmann
Genius_loci_text Raja Schwahn-Reichmann
Saturday August 15, 2020
Admission 25 €, reservation: m-o-r@damtschach.at
from 14:00 picnic
15:00 Wild pleasures: Margot Fischer’s herb tour
18:00 Concert Fondo Barocco

Damtschacherstrasse 18
9241 Wernberg

You can also see the exhibition
Rita Nowak: Wells Tempest

Saturday to Sunday from 14 h – 19 h and by telephone appointment (+43 0699 10567341)
The exhibition is open until the beginning of September.
